Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday, December 14th

I received confirmation of my pre-surgical examination.  Have to be at St Vincent on Tuesday, December 27th at 9:45.  Not certain what this entails, but they told me to plan on 2 hours.  I asked if I could drive myself, they said no problem, so that’s the plan.

Also received confirmation of my surgery on Wednesday, January 4th at 5:45 a.m.  Was told they would prep me and put me in a room until 7:30, when the anesthesiologist would put me under.  Surgery is scheduled for 8:30.  They say the surgery will last 4 hours, then off to the ICU for 2-3 hours.  If all is well I should be in a room by 3:30 p.m.!  They also said if all goes well, I will be in the hospital 2-3 days.

My Neurosurgeon wanted clearance from my cardiologist prior to the surgery and today he approved the surgery.  I just saw him on Tuesday December 6th, so I was pleased to not have to go back on the treadmill!

As regards the symptoms, the headaches are fewer and father between, and not so severe now.  Must be the Diamox working!  However, last night I experienced severe nausea.  I'm talking battery acid in the stomach nausea.  I couldn't get relief; tried Zantac and Tums, nothing touched this monster.  Laying down was not working as it just made it worse.  Sitting up made it tolerable, so I slept setting up as much as I could.  I called the Neurosurgeon’s office and described the symptoms and they agreed that it was probably the Diamox and called me in a prescription for Zofran.  I’ll find out tonight how this works!

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